


rhinoplasty, septoplasty, plastic surgery, reconstruction


This article discusses the experience of restoring nasal septum functionality during rhinoplasty in patients with congenital deformities of the nasal wing who have previously undergone cheiloplasty. Currently, plastic surgeons utilize three primary approaches for correcting a deviated nasal septum: submucous resection according to Killian and its variations, septoplasty, and extracorporeal septoplasty. The aim of this study was to enhance the effectiveness of extracorporeal reconstructive surgeries for patients with nasal septum deformities and altered nasal wing shapes. In 2024, 11 revision rhino-septoplasties were performed on patients with various nasal wing deformities and septal deviations at the Department of Maxillofacial Surgery of the Osh Interregional Clinical Hospital. The patient group included 4 women (36.3%) and 7 men (63.7%), with an average age of 25.7 years. Open rhinoplasties were conducted to correct two saddle noses using rib autografts, in addition to procedures for removing dorsal humps and reinforcing the nasal septum with the patient's own septal cartilage. Ear cartilage was utilized to correct nasal wing deformities. The results indicated that the combination of open rhinoplasty and extracorporeal septoplasty leads to satisfactory and long-lasting functional and aesthetic outcomes in rhinoplasty.


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How to Cite

Eshiev А., & Azimbaev , N. (2024). OPEN RHINOPLASTY FOR DEFECTS AND DEFORMITIES OF THE EXTERNAL NOSE. Bulletin of Osh State University, (3), 13–19.