
  • Bektur Azimov Osh State University
  • Burkanbek Turdubekov Osh State University
  • Ayperi Zhumabaeva Osh State University




Hopf equation, divergent form, quasilinear equation, partial differential equation, weak discontinuity, strong discontinuity


The article examines the famous model equation of Hopf. Hopf equations - quasiline homogeneous differential equations in private production first order. Equation Hopf represents its own one-dimensional mathematical model of gas motion, particles that do not interact with each other. The specificity of the Hopf equation is that even if the results of this equation are uninterrupted, its solution will be fragmented. If the decision is uninterrupted, but the production is fragmented, then the decision is weakly fragmented. The purpose of the study was to examine the Hoppa equation solution. Determine the weak and strong gaps in the solution. Applicable methods: method of transformations, method of divergent forms.


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How to Cite

Azimov, B., Turdubekov, B., & Zhumabaeva, A. (2022). DISCONTINUOUS SOLUTIONS OF PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. Bulletin of Osh State University, (4), 199–205. https://doi.org/10.52754/16947452_2022_4_199

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