
  • Timur Kozukulov Osh State University
  • Ibrahim Zhumabai uulu
  • Meerim Mametova Osh State University



secular, laicism, religion, state, constitution, Kyrgyzstan


This article discusses the concept of secularism, which is one of the basic principles of the Constitution of the Kyrgyz Republic. The fundamental concept of secularism and the interpretation of scientific approbation still do not have a common concept. In Kyrgyzstan, scientists or politicians use in Kyrgyz language as "svetskii" or "svettik". For example, "svetskii mamleket" or "svettik mamleket". Everyone interprets secularism in accordance with their political culture and ideology. In Western scientific literature and in socio-political life, the word laicism is used as a synonym for the term secularism. The use of the word "secular" is common in post-Soviet countries. It is not uncommon for scientists to answer the question what is secularism, attribute a story related to Lenin. This story was probably made up.  Even the employees of the secular state do not understand this. They believe and express the opinion that the state and religion are separated. The same opinion is expressed by NGOs (non-governmental organizations). They are adamant that the state should not support religion. Even government officials say that the principle of the state is separated from religion. In fact, there are many other cases. In the constitutions adopted after the April events, after a debate on how to translate the word secularism into Kyrgyz, the phrase "religion does not interfere in the activities of state authorities" was included. We can say that this is the Kyrgyz translation of the term secular (laicism), which was introduced after the French Revolution. In this article, we will compare and analyze the scientific definitions of the term secular-Laicism. We will also try to determine what a secular concept should be in the state and society.


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How to Cite

Kozukulov, T., Zhumabai uulu, I., & Mametova, M. (2022). THE STATE’S RELATIONSHIP WITH RELIGION AND THE PRINCIPLE OF SECULARISM. Bulletin of Osh State University, (3), 94–107.

