cattle breeding, crossbreeding, black-and-white breed, crossbreeds with holsteins, heifers, season of the year, hematological indicesAbstract
The article presents hematological indices of black-and-white heifers (group I), their crosses with first-generation Holsteins (½ Holstein x ½ black-and-white – group II) and second-generation (3/4 x ¼ black-and-white – group III) by seasons. It was found that second- and third-generation crossbred heifers on Holsteins of groups II and III were characterized by a higher concentration of erythrocytes and hemoglobin in the blood. At the same time, purebred black-and-white heifers of group I were inferior to them in the number of erythrocytes in the blood in the winter period by 1.92% and 4.40%, respectively, and in the summer period by 4.44% and 7.41%. Similar intergroup differences were also noted in the concentration of hemoglobin in the blood. At the same time, Holstein crossbreeds of groups II and III exceeded purebred peers of the black-and-white breed of group I in its level in the winter period by 3.92% and 8.49%, respectively, and in the summer season by 4.59% and 10.63%. At the same time, an increase in the concentration of erythrocytes and hemoglobin in the blood of heifers of all genotypes was noted with the leading position of Holstein crossbreeds of the second generation of group III. No intergroup differences were found in the content of leukocytes, mineral composition, concentration of vitamin A in the blood and acid capacity.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Владимир Косилов, Татьяна Седых, Ирина Миронова, Ильмира Рахимжанова, Абдугани Абдурасулов

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