
  • Shalkar Tabys Research Institute for Biological Safety Problems
  • Nurlan Kozhabergenov Research Institute for Biological Safety Problems
  • Zhumagali Koshemetov Research Institute for Biological Safety Problems
  • Kuandyk Zhugunisov Research Institute for Biological Safety Problems



avian influenza, subtype, PCR, HAI, neuraminidase


This paper presents the results of studies on the identification and study of the pathogenicity of avian influenza virus collection isolates obtained on the territory of Kazakhstan, which were collected during monitoring studies in 2002-2003. As a result of the typing work, it was established that 6 isolates out of 7 studied samples belong to the subtype H13 in hemagglutination inhibition assay (HAI), which were subsequently confirmed by the method of RT PCR. At the same time, one sample in HAI showed excellent results for the H1 subtype and the Newcastle disease virus, which confirms the contamination of this sample. Further, when testing these samples for the neuraminidase protein by PCR, it was found that they belong to the N6 subtype. During the study of the pathogenicity of isolates in relation to birds, it was found that the tested isolates of the avian influenza virus are weakly pathogenic.


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How to Cite

Tabys, S., Kozhabergenov, N., Koshemetov, Z., & Zhugunisov, K. (2022). IDENTIFICATION AND PATHOGENICITY OF AVIAN INFLUENZA VIRUS COLLECTION ISOLATES OBTAINED ON THE TERRITORY OF KAZAKHSTAN. Bulletin of Osh State University, (3), 62–74.