



Bible, Quran, ancient Egypt, pharaoh, prophet Moses


This paper researches the stories of the Prophet Moses and Pharaoh, focusing on their relationship. Historical sources related to ancient Egypt, and most importantly, information from the Bible and the Quran, were compared and analyzed to understand the phenomenon of the Pharaoh, who represents the most powerful form of authority and reaches the peak of arrogance. The study considers Pharaoh as a historical figure rather than a legendary character.

Western scholars have traditionally analyzed the stories of Prophet Moses and Pharaoh based on the Bible. In this study, the similarities and differences between the narratives of Prophet Moses and Pharaoh in the Bible and the Quran are identified. Historical sources concerning ancient Egypt have been used to explain the events described in both the Bible and the Quran. In turn, Islamic tafsir scholars have incorporated biblical information in their analysis of the holy scriptures of the Quran. The article emphasizes that the use of ancient Egyptian sources can only be effective in interpreting the scriptures related to Prophet Moses in the Quran. The comparative-analytical method plays a significant role in this study, allowing for a deep examination of the relationship between Prophet Moses and Pharaoh as described in both the Bible and the Quran.


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How to Cite

Zuuridinov , O. (2024). A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF THE TALE OF PHARAOH AND PROPHET MOSES. Bulletin of Osh State University, (3), 145–158. https://doi.org/10.52754/16948610_2024_3_13