methodology, education, literary criticism, learning environment, study skills, motivation to study, state standard, learning competenciesAbstract
This article examines the main aspects of teaching schoolchildren in order to form a new attitude in the field of motivation for learning and reading in the conditions of modern Kyrgyz society. The main objects of the study were the reading culture and motivation to study of schoolchildren in grades 6-11. The research methods were a survey and analysis of the results obtained. Analysis of the research results allowed us to determine the following: reading today remains important and relevant for the younger generation. At the same time, it is necessary to note a number of important trends that are of great importance in the context of studying the processes of formation of motivation to read. Limitation to works that arouse the subjective interest of students. The main problem of the study was the important question of the sincerity of the respondents. The results of the study can be used in the process of teaching literary reading in the formation of internal motivation of schoolchildren to study. In addition, the presented research model can be used to create a learning environment in specific educational settings, both in its current and modified form.
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