


Au-Cu-Ag system, electrical dispersion, biological activity, wheat, germination, growth


Using X-ray phase analysis, it was established that during joint electric spark dispersion of the AuCu alloy and metallic Ag in water and alcohol, highly dispersed particles of a solid solution of Au(CuAg) composition occur. Of particular interest is the study of the biological activity of highly dispersed particles of a solid solution of the Au-Cu-Ag system, since nanodispersed particles of the metal components of the system have high biological activity. Therefore, the effect of electrospark dispersion products of the Au-Cu-Ag system on the germination and growth of wheat was studied. It has been established that the germination and growth of wheat is affected by the concentration of particles of the Au-Cu-Ag system. The germination rate of wheat seeds treated with solutions of Au-Cu-Ag system products with a concentration of 0.01 mg/l is 3-5% higher than the germination rate of wheat seeds treated with solutions with a concentration of 1 mg/l. This pattern is also observed with the growth of wheat. The maximum height of wheat after treatment with solutions with a concentration of 0.01 mg/l after 15 days is 10-11 cm, and the corresponding height of wheat treated with water is 5-6 cm.


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How to Cite

Моldaliev Z., & Adambaeva , Z. (2024). BIOLOGICAL ACTIVITY OF NANOPARTICLES OF THE Au(Cu, Ag) SOLID SOLUTION. Bulletin of Osh State University, (1), 32–39.

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