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  • Kamila Dastanbek kyzy Osh State University
  • Abdymitalip Murzakmetov Osh State University



ethnopedagogy, proverbs, education, national culture, pedagogy


An ethnopedagogy, is a crucial component of the cultural heritage of societies worldwide. This form of pedagogy encompasses the accumulated wisdom and practices related to child-rearing and education that have been handed down through generations. Ethnopedagogy involves the collection, organization, and preservation of traditional knowledge and methods used in raising children, as found in religious texts, folklore, storytelling, songs, games, and other forms of cultural expression. Proverbs and sayings are particularly significant in popular pedagogy due to their succinct and impactful nature. These brief expressions encapsulate moral values, ethical principles, and practical advice in a concise manner, making them easily memorable and accessible. Proverbs and sayings serve as a dynamic tool for transmitting cultural norms and behavioral guidelines from one generation to the next, embodying the collective wisdom and voice of the people. In academic discourse, the study of popular pedagogy and ethnopedagogy provides valuable insights into the historical, social, and cultural foundations of education within specific communities. By examining the ways in which traditional knowledge is transmitted and applied in child-rearing practices, researchers can gain a deeper understanding of the diverse educational philosophies and approaches that shape societies around the world. Additionally, exploring the role of proverbs, sayings, and other cultural artifacts in pedagogical contexts offers a rich source of material for analyzing how values and beliefs are communicated and reinforced within different cultural settings. Overall, popular pedagogy represents a rich reservoir of cultural heritage and educational practices that continue to influence contemporary understandings of upbringing and learning. By recognizing the significance of ethnopedagogy in shaping societal values and behaviors, educators and scholars can engage with diverse cultural traditions and draw upon this wealth of knowledge to enrich their pedagogical approaches and foster intercultural understanding.


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How to Cite

Dastanbek kyzy , K., & Murzakmetov , A. (2023). PEDAGOGICAL IDEAS IN KYRGYZ PROVERBS. Journal of Osh State University. Philology, (1(1), 30–37.