
  • Vladimir Kosilov Orenburg state agrarian university
  • Elena Nikonova Orenburg state agrarian university
  • Ilmira Rakhimzhanova Orenburg state agrarian university
  • Irina Mironova Bashkir State Agrarian University Ufa
  • Nail Gubaidullin Bashkir State Agrarian University Ufa
  • Danis Khaziev Bashkir State Agrarian University Ufa
  • Ildar Fahretdinov Bashkir State Agrarian University Ufa
  • Abdugani Abdurasulov Osh State University



cattle breeding, Simmental breed, crossbreeds with red steppe and black-mottled cattle, steers, energy, consumption, digestibility


The indicators of consumption and energy use of nutrients in the diet of purebred bulls of the Simmental breed (I gr.), its first–generation crossbreeds with red steppe cattle (½ simmental × ½ red steppe - group II) and animals of the black-mottled breed (½ simmental × ½ black-mottled – group III) are presented. It was found that young animals of the III gr. exceeded their peers of the I and II gr. in terms of protein energy consumption by 0.59 MJ and 3.03 MJ, fat – by 0.33 MJ and 1.72 MJ, fiber – by 0.90 MJ and 4.62 MJ, BEV – 1.95 MJ and 9.91 MJ. At the same time, the bulls of II gr. they were inferior to their peers of I gr. in terms of energy consumption, protein by 2.44 MJ, fat by 1.39 MJ, fiber by 3.72 MJ, BEV by 7.96 MJ. The young of the III gr. exceeded the bulls of the I and II gr. in terms of the energy of the feed of the daily diet by 3.77 MJ and 19.28 MJ, and the crossbreeds of the II gr. they were inferior to purebred peers by 15.51 MJ. Bulls of the I and III gr. released almost the same amount of energy with feces, and young animals of the II gr. it was inferior to them in this indicator by 2.90 MJ and 3.04 MJ. It was found that the young I and II gr. it was inferior to steers of III gr. in terms of the amount of digested energy by 3.63 MJ and 16.24 MJ, the crossbreeds of group II were inferior to the simmentals of group I by 12.61 MJ.


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How to Cite

Kosilov , V., Nikonova , E., Rakhimzhanova , I., Mironova , I., Gubaidullin , N., Khaziev , D., Fahretdinov , I., & Abdurasulov , A. (2024). THE EFFECT OF THE GENOTYPE OF BULL CALVES ON THE CONSUMPTION AND DIGESTIBILITY OF ENERGY NUTRIENTS IN THE DIET. Journal of Osh State University. Agriculture: Agronomy, Veterinary and Zootechnics, (2(7), 161–168.

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