


breed, bulls, crossbreeds, natural resistance, humoral factors, cellular factors


The purpose of the research is to evaluate the adaptive abilities of calves of the Kalmyk, Mandolong breeds and their hybrids in the climatic and feeding conditions of the Samara region. As a result of research, it was found that after the birth of a calf, the process of formation of the immune system begins in its body. In the initial stage of growth, while the protective function is performed by colostrum immunoglobulins, the process of activation of humoral and cellular protection factors occurs, which include leukocytes, the fraction of gamma globulins, bactericidal and lysozyme activi-ty of blood serum. Leukocytes are the first to guard the health of calves, due to their phagocytic activity, which begins to weaken after 8 months of age and humoral factors based on bactericidal and lysozyme activity of blood serum come to their aid. All this, taken together, makes up a single mechanism of immune protection of the animal body dur-ing their growth and development. Thus, the research results showed that depending on the intensity of growth and the level of meat productivity of the studied breeds, as well as on the degree of their adaptation to climatic and forage conditions of the region, the indicators of natural resistance of the animal organism change, which characterize its abil-ity to withstand negative environmental conditions.


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How to Cite

Negmatov , K., Gazeev , I., Gubaidullin, N., & Bakaeva , L. (2024). INDICATORS OF NATURAL RESISTANCE OF PUREBRED BULLS OF KALMYK, MANDOLONG BREEDS AND THEIR CROSSBREEDS. Journal of Osh State University. Agriculture: Agronomy, Veterinary and Zootechnics, (2(7), 91–100.

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