
  • Suitа Abdykadyrova Osh State University



history, heritage, text, written monuments, Central Asia, Turkic literature


In this work, we will focus on the work of Zahiriddin Muhammad Babur, a statesman, a remarkable poet and writer. The purpose of this study is to measure the legacy of Babur in linguo-poetic and linguistic terms. The tasks of the work include the study of literature on the topic and related areas of knowledge. The literary text, being a means of modeling the socio-cultural environment, reflects real language contacts and provides extensive material for describing the cultural stereotypes of the linguo-cultural community. The text of a work of art reflects a unique, individual author's picture of the writer's world, his concept sphere, filled with a special artistic worldview. Therefore, the study of historical works of art remains relevant at all times.


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How to Cite

Abdykadyrova, S. (2022). MEASUREMENT OF BABUR’S HERITAGE IN LINGUOPOETICAL AND LINGUISTIC PLANS. Bulletin of Osh State University, (3), 184–193.