
  • Gulnara Maksytova Osh State University
  • Mirlan Mamazairov Osh State University
  • Urkuys Uzakbaeva Osh State University




traditional women's costume, breastplate, shape, material, decor, еmbroidery, ornament


This article is devoted to an element of the Kyrgyz women's traditional costume – a  breastplate is no longer in use, but relevant to the research. The breastplate is one of the most archaic elements of the traditional Kyrgyz costumes.  The main aim of the article was to study the shape, material and decor of the breastplate.  Examples of using the element in the structure of the traditional women's costume of the peoples of Central Asia are considered.  The decorative solution of the Kyrgyz breastplate completes the figurative characterization of the traditional costume and helps to emphasize the interaction of the costume elements. Based on the results of the research data we have presented a scheme of the classification of features of the breastplate.

The conclusion talks about the importance of research and revival of this element, as an inexhaustible source of information in the decorative and applied art and costume of the Kyrgyz people.


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How to Cite

Maksytova , G., Mamazairov , M., & Uzakbaeva, U. (2023). “ONUR” – IN TRADITIONAL WOMEN’S COSTUME. Bulletin of Osh State University, (1), 179–186. https://doi.org/10.52754/16948610_2023_1_22