Reynolds number, turbulent model, natural convection, OpenFOAM, Relay numberAbstract
In this work, a quantitative analysis of turbulent convection in a two-dimensional volume-heated liquid was performed. A numerical method for solving the Navier-Stokes system of equations with Bussines approximation was proposed. Mathematical modeling was performed in an isothermal cavern with square walls in the range of 106 to 1011 Rayleigh numbers using the Open FOAM open package in Prantal Pr = 0.6. The control volume method in the Open FOAM program and the PIMPLE algorithm were used as a problem-solving procedure in this paper. Three models of turbulence implemented in the Open FOAM package were considered: the classical k-ɛ model, its variation for the lower Reynolds numbers, and the k-ω-SST model of turbulence. The results of the calculations were compared with the relevant experimental data using three models of turbulence. The k-ω-SST model of comparative turbulence describes the class of problems presented in the considered numbers of Reynolds and Rayleigh with the required accuracy. All considered models of turbulence explain to some extent the non-stationary nature of the flow.
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