


doctor, patient, disease, therapy, examination, palpation, percussion, auscultation


Insufficient number of family doctors, low status of nurses, lack of motivational stimulation of doctors, growth of morbidity and disability among the population indicate low prestige of family medicine. The purpose of the study is to develop measures aimed at improving the quality of therapeutic care in the practice of family doctors. The objective of the study is to develop methodological methods for improving the quality and availability of therapeutic care in family medicine and offer them to practical medicine. In accordance with the purpose and objective of the study, statistical, clinical, expert-evaluation and experimental methods were used. The article proposes a system of measures aimed at improving the quality of primary health care provided to medical patients, including the technology of the family doctor's work, rational use of working time, and improvement of preventive work. It has been proven that the use of standard directions; ready-made recipes; dietary instructions, exercise therapy; means of communication; having developed office work schedules, establishing appropriate "admission rules" upon admission of therapeutic patients to family medicine centers and general practice centers, saves the doctor's working time.


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How to Cite

Israilova , D., Aldashukurov , Y., Boronbaev , A., Kydyrshaeva , Z., & Boronchieva , Z. (2024). DIRECTIONS FOR IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF THERAPEUTIC CARE IN OUTPATIENT APPLICATIONS. Bulletin of Osh State University, (3), 1–12.

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