
  • Osmon Togusakov National Academy of Science of Kyrgyzstan
  • Kylychbek Erkinbekov Bishkek Innovation College




ethnicity, ethnic consciousness, culture, political processes, identity, ethnic politics, society


In this article, the author considers the features of the philosophical analysis of the phenomenon of ethnos, in addition, as stated in it, in modern times in most valleys, countries of the world and the bulk of the population, ethnic identity is a natural result of a common historical experience, cultural differences or the status of groups in a political ethnic society However, as reality shows, despite a certain internal simplicity that determines the factors influencing the formation of ethnic consciousness and ethnos, elements related to ethnic reality are often mixed in the scientific community with political processes. Quite a large number of groups with a clear sense of identity are not considered separate ethnic groups according to experts, but on the contrary, we can show members of groups that are considered ethnic, and they have vague ideas about their commonality.


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How to Cite

Togusakov , O., & Erkinbekov , K. (2024). FEATURES OF PHILOSOPHICAL ANALYSIS TO THE PHENOMENON OF ETHNOS. Bulletin of Osh State University, (1), 66–75. https://doi.org/10.52754/16948610_2024_1_7