The Importance Of The Yemen Process In The Obtaining Of Zaydism Its Sectarian Identity


  • Yusuf Gökalp Kyrgyz-Turkish Manas University


Zaydism, Yaman, Sect, Shia


Yemen has a special place in the formation and institutionalization of the Zaydism. Zaydism has been a dominant religious understanding in northern Yemen since the end of the 3./7. century. In the history of Yemen, Zaydism has always taken its place as a religious and political actor and this situation is still valid today. Zaydism gained a unique sectarian identity with its political, rational and legal dimension during the nationalization process especially in Yemen. The sectarian principles of Zaydism also have reached a final form during the nationalization process in Yemen. When we consider the effect of political support in the institutionalization of a sectarian formation, we can say that the nationalization process in Yemen has made a great contribution to the Zaydi thought in terms of finding a social base, maintaining its physical existence and the emergence of new interpretations.


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How to Cite

Gökalp, Y. (2019). The Importance Of The Yemen Process In The Obtaining Of Zaydism Its Sectarian Identity. Scientific Journal of Faculty of Theology, (27), 39–61. Retrieved from


