Imam Mâturîdî’s Critique Of Mu‘Tazila Through The Understanding Of Ajal
Imam Mâturîdî, Kâ‘bî, Mu’tazila, ajal, lifetime, scienceAbstract
In this paper we analyzed the doctrine of ajal (appointed time of death) of Imam Mâturîdî and his criticisms of Mu‘tazila on this issue. Doctrine of ajal is one of the most discussed issues in Islamic theology. Mu‘tazila’s doctrine of ajal is influenced by Kâ’bî’s view of “two ajal”. Imam Mâturîdî said that this doctrine is unacceptable because it means that Allah is incompotent and ignorance. At the same time, Mu‘tazila’s doctrine leads to the perception that Allah has the problem of determining of the time of death, who registered everything in the Peresved Tablet (Levh-i mahfûz).
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