Subject, Importance and Necessity of Logic According to Qadi Siraj ad-Din al-Urmawî


  • Nilüfer ÖZTÜRK KOCABIYIK Harran University



Islamic Philosophy, Qadi Siraj ad-Din al-Urmawi, Bayân al-Haqq, Logic


Logic is a science that contains the rules of right thinking and keeps people from making mistakes. This science has an important place in the history of philosophy. It has also generally maintained this importance in the history of Islamic thought. With Farabi's meticulous study of this science and systematizing it again after Aristotle, logic has become an integral part of the sciences, especially philosophy. Later, through the studies of Ghazali, it combined with not only philosophy but also sciences such as kalam and fiqh. After Ghazali, this situation continued with Fakhr al-Din ar-Razi and his followers, who showed a similar approach. Urmavi, who is also one of the followers of Fakhr al-Din ar-Razi, also found the science of logic important and argued that it is a science that should be learned. In this study, attention is focused on the questions of what the subject of the science of logic is in terms of Urmawi, what its position should be in terms of importance, and how necessary it is to learn logic. The answers to these questions are essential for determining the place and importance of logic in the thought system of the thirteenth century. As a matter of fact, the importance given to the science of logic in various periods of its history determines its field of use. As one of the important thinkers who lived in the thirteenth century, Urmavi also contributed to this science by emphasizing the subject, importance, and necessity of the science of logic.


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How to Cite

ÖZTÜRK KOCABIYIK, N. (2022). Subject, Importance and Necessity of Logic According to Qadi Siraj ad-Din al-Urmawî. Scientific Journal of Faculty of Theology, (32), 73–85.


