
  • Busalima Matazovna Kadyrberdieva Osh Technological University
  • Zarina Asanovna Asanova Osh State University
  • Sherzodbek Ismatullaevich Nosirov Osh State University



verbal and nonverbal communication, phrases, means of communication, communicator, addressee, gesture, facial expressions, semiotics


 The article is devoted to the problem of studying non-verbal components of communication in the literary texts. And also investigated the character’s reaction to the surrounding phenomenon in non-verbal communication through semantic and comparative-contrastive analysis and by interpretation of non-verbal components those are from the text of historical novel “Broken Sword” by Kyrgyz writer T. Kasymbekov. In the process of studying non-verbal communication in the novel the facial expressions, gestures, postures and facial emotions of communication participants are analyzed as important elements in the information transfer between the communicator and the addressee. Linguistic representations of non-verbal signals are also considered in this article, and they are presented comprehensively and systematically that allows to get new information about the mechanisms of the descriptive potential of the Kyrgyz language at the level of literary text. More and more interesting works appear as a result of such language orientations development which considers the national-cultural, social, spiritual and cognitive characteristics. They are common in the language and reflect the connection between language and the surrounding world, the connection between a person and his history and lifestyle. Thus, the focus now is the person himself with all his features and personality. In particular, speech communication and the various means by which it occurs have become one of the main objects of research in linguistics.


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How to Cite

Kadyrberdieva, B. M., Asanova, Z. A., & Nosirov, S. I. (2024). PECULIARITIES OF NON-VERBAL COMMUNICATION IN NOVELS (BASED ON THE HISTORICAL NOVEL BY T. KASYMBEKOV “BROKEN SWORD”). Issues of Oriental Studies, (1), 48–57.