


bronchial asthma, developing countries, healthcare access, environmental triggers, childhood asthma, asthma diagnosis


In underdeveloped nations where low resources and poor healthcare infrastructure impede accurate diagnosis and therapy, bronchial asthma in children is a significant public health issue. Children's health and quality of life are seriously threatened by this disorder, which is marked by coughing, dyspnea, and repeated wheezing, particularly when combined with environmental elements such pollution and poor air quality. Targeted treatments are desperately needed, as early childhood onset and a high frequency in socioeconomically poor areas highlight. Emphasizing the requirement of easily available diagnostic equipment, better treatment choices, and community education, this analysis exposes the crucial deficiencies in asthma therapy in poor countries. Reducing the burden of childhood asthma and enhancing the outcomes for impacted children depend on more investment in healthcare and greater emphasis on asthma-specific public health projects.


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How to Cite

Omorova, A. N., Osmonova, G. Z., Siddiqui, M. F., & Shadab, M. A. (2024). BRONCHIAL ASTHMA IN CHILDREN: A CALL FOR ACTION IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES. Journal of Osh State University. Medicine, (2(4), 40–46.