
  • Ajimamat Boronbaev Osh State University
  • Nuralbek Toktonazar uulu Osh State University



traditions, music, heritage, mythology, folklore, komuz, kayak, sybyzgy


In this article, an attempt was made to convey mythological and philosophical thoughts on the place of the newly formed komuz in Kyrgyz national-professional culture and the history of the creation of the national orchestra in national music. At the same time, the history and mythology of the creation of komuz in the Kyrgyz culture, which follows a thousand-year history, is described. Through it, the traditions and customs of the peoples have been growing, beautifying the rhythm of people's lives, and helping to honor their existence. The Kyrgyz people used to carry their koum with them whenever they went to a party of any nationality. Komuz is one of the Kyrgyz national traditional musical instruments. Various legends, stories, and tales have been told from mouth to mouth about the existence, emergence, and creation of this national instrument. About the discovery of Komuzh, which is being told from ancestors to children, from the ancients to the next, from generation to generation, this ancestral heritage is gaining the concept of development in the direction of folklore and traditional culture in the new linguistics. Therefore, in this scientific and creative direction, national musical instruments need a lot of research. Countless stories about our national genealogy and musical instruments will be the basis for folklore and traditional research.


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How to Cite

Boronbaev, A., & Toktonazar uulu, N. (2024). THE PLACE OF KOMUZ IN THE TRADITIONAL CULTURE OF THE KYRGYZ PEOPLE. Journal of Osh State University. Philosophy. Sociology. Political Science, (2(4), 76–81.