creativity, talent, wind instruments, performance, flute, clay pipe, folk genesis, folk artAbstract
In this work, we wanted to attach importance to the creation of a material and immaterial culture of consciousness of stone, soil, wood and firewood that fell into the hand of a person. Thus, we have demonstrated methods of preserving the art, rituals and traditions of the people, which are preserved in the hands of people as furniture, and living creativity through the furniture that they use on a daily basis. From today's folklore collection, one can be notice that a person who relied on common sense in the formation of consciousness, cultural under the influence of national ideas, followed the traditional rules of the noble thoughts and white deeds of our ancestors. Folklore – home (comfort). “Home” is the main place of spiritual and material culture. With the help of its customs and traditions, the face of a nation, its existence, and interethnic relations are determined. It changes its form and enters a different era, resuming its service as an echo of the turn of the century. For example, in the Stone Age - a grindstone, a stone bowl; in the Bronze Age - a copper pipe, in the feudal age - trumpets, whistles, etc. When eras change, the “nation” of a people helps clarify the place and preserve the national vision.
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