State of horse breeding and measurements of the novokyrgyz horses


  • Keldibek Sydykbekov Kyrgyz Research Institute of Animal Husbandry and Pastures
  • Abdugani Abdurasulov Osh State University



Breed, livestock, stallions, mares, breeding farm, measurements


The purpose of the scientific work is to continue experiments to increase productivity and improve the working qualities of the studied livestock and to create a unified base of breeding horses of different breeds cultivated in our country. At the beginning of 2022, in all categories of farms in the Kyrgyz Republic, 547,253 animals were kept. horses, including 305,788 mares or 55.87% of the total livestock. If we compare, then according to statistics in 1991 there were 312 thousand heads of horses, and over the past five years: 2017 - 467249; 2018 - 481329; 2019 - 498684; 2020 - 522611; 2021 - 339,644 heads, that is, the increase in livestock compared to 2017 increased by +80,004 heads, or an annual increase of 3.1%. The results of the research showed that, according to the measurements, the stallions-producers of the FPF "Alykul-Ata" surpass the stallions of other farms in all respects, and the GPKZ "Talas", compared with the FPF "Erkinbek-Ata", is higher in height at the withers by 0.8 cm , along the oblique length of the body 9.5 cm, along the girth of the chest by 4.0 cm, along the girth of the metacarpus they lag behind by 2.5 cm, and in terms of live weight more by 38.2 kg.


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How to Cite

Sydykbekov, K., & Abdurasulov, A. (2023). State of horse breeding and measurements of the novokyrgyz horses. Journal of Osh State University. Agriculture: Agronomy, Veterinary and Zootechnics, (1(2), 147–152.

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