Efficiency of the use of molostive immunoglobulins at different intensity of its consumption


  • Anna Karamaeva Samara State Agrarian University Kinel
  • Sergey Karamaev Samara State Agrarian University Kinel
  • Khaidar Valitov Samara State Agrarian University Kinel




breed, calves, colostrum, consumption rate, immunoglobulins, intensity of assimilation


The effect of colostrum consumption rate on the intensity of immunoglobulin uptake in newborn calves was studied, taking into account their concentration in blood serum 6 hours after the first binge. The object of research was newborn calves of the main dairy breeds of cattle bred in the natural and climatic zone of the Middle Volga region and the Southern Urals. Studies have shown that the smaller the relative weight of calves at birth, the easier calving is, calves are more energetic and viable, they manifest biologically determined physiological functions of the body faster. It was found that with almost the same relative weight of colostrum consumed during the first milking - 4.8–5.2% of the live weight of the calf, the lowest rate of colostrum consumption (70.2 sips / min) was in the Bestuzhev breed. At the same time, calves took 548.2 sips during suckling, which is 7.6% more than the black-and–white breed, the Holstein breed – by 1.7%, the Ayrshire breed - by 4.3%, but the size of the sip was 2.7 g and was less than that of their peers, respectively, by 15.6; 34.1; 22.9%. Biochemical blood analysis showed that the highest concentration of immunoglobulins it was at a colostrum consumption rate of 61-70 sips/min. As a result, there is a tendency that with an increase in the rate of colostrum consumption, the content of immunoglobulins in the blood of calves decreases, 6 hours after drinking, by 5,9-12,3%; 4,5-11,1%; 4,4-13,9%; 3,8-14,5%.


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How to Cite

Karamaeva, A., Karamaev, S., & Valitov, K. (2023). Efficiency of the use of molostive immunoglobulins at different intensity of its consumption. Journal of Osh State University. Agriculture: Agronomy, Veterinary and Zootechnics, (1(2), 59–65. https://doi.org/10.52754/16948696_2023_1_6