The Concept of Space in the Holy Quran
Quran, tafseer, physics, social sciences, spatial sciences, space, placeAbstract
The concept of space is one of the concepts frequently mentioned in the Holy Quran. The concept in question has a quality that points to both physical and metaphysical dimensions. Since the life of the hereafter is a continuation of this world in Islamic thought, space has also been used frequently in the Quran in the context of the life of the hereafter. The descriptions of heaven and hell have always been described in the Quran by associating them with the concept of space. The concept of space has a use in the Quran that has abstract meanings as well as its concrete meaning. It is seen that it is used in this context when describing the life of the prophets. In this article, it has been examined in which contexts the concept of space is used in the Quran, and the differences between these uses have been revealed. During the examination of the subject, many tafsir sources, especially the Holy Quran, were reviewed. In addition, contemporary sources on the subject were used.
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