Brief History of Scientific Interpretation Approach and Some Studies on This Topic
The exegesis of the Qur’an, Scientific approach, Qur’anAbstract
It has been criticized by many circles as well as by the defenders of the
scientific Qur’an interpretation approach. Some of these criticisms are based on
the limited level of knowledge and culture of the interlocutors at the time the
Qur’an was revealed. They argue that it would not be the right approach to attribute meaning to the verses based on the sciences that emerged in the later period. Some criticisms have also focused on the fact that scientific exegesis has been developed with a defensive understanding as a result of the domination of Western civilization over Muslims. The purpose of this study is to point out the historical roots of scientific exegesis and to draw attention to the fact that this
approach should not be sacrificed to the defensive attitude that emerged in the modern period.
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