
  • Alina Rahmanali kyzy Osh State University
  • Akmatali Batyraliev Osh State University


Education, upbringing, care, family, social status, morality, courtesy, moral ethics


Today special attention of the world is being focused on the spiritual personal development and well-being. In the present article the authors find the system of family nurturing and school education as a strategic tool that is important to put under state control. Among many different fields of pedagogic theory and practice as a tradition  tends to be one of the actual problems in nurturing and educating children is the specific role of school and family cooperation. For instance spiritually rich families are key factors in shaping healthy nation. The fundamental tasks of modern society are the development of moral and spiritual values of the younger generation, educating in them respect for centuries-oldheritage of the Kyrgyz people, studying the peculiaritiesof the culture on a scientific basis. The relevance of the topic is that in the upbringing of young generation in the family and school social norms of society on pedagogical theory and practice are not sufficiently developed as required by the current socio-economic conditions.


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How to Cite

Rahmanali kyzy, A., & Batyraliev, A. (2022). THE COOPERATION OF FAMILY AND SCHOOL IN EDUCATING THE CHILDREN. Journal of Osh State University. Pedagogy. Psychology, (1(1), 17–22. Retrieved from