
  • Akmatova Akmatova Osh State University



mobilization, protection, universal training in the art of war, conscript


In a scientific article, the author reveals the activities of the general education program in Central Asia, using the example of the Kyrgyz SSR. General military training was a system for preparing Soviet citizens for the basics of military activity. This program successfully instilled skills in the basics of military and physical training for the defense of the young Soviet state, formed after the October Revolution of 1917. The founder of the Soviet state, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, attached exceptional importance to the program of universal education. This program was one of the important means in the organization of Soviet citizens, where they were brought up in the spirit of Bolshevik discipline in the preparation of combat-ready replenishment of the Red Army. It should be noted that the universal education program made a specific and significant contribution to the formation of the Red Army, but also additionally to the development of the physical culture movement and mass sports in the first country of workers and peasants.

But, by 1923, the process of military training was discontinued.

In the early days of the Great Patriotic War, when the Soviet people stood up to defend their homeland, it became necessary to recreate the universal education program.

In the shortest possible time, every citizen of the Soviet Union capable of bearing arms had to acquire the military skills of a single fighter, able to act on the battlefield independently and as part of a unit; learn how to shoot accurately with a combat rifle; be able to conduct hand-to-hand combat with enemies; be able to wield a bayonet and a shovel; throw hand grenades and bottles of flammable liquid; not be afraid and fight not only with machine gunners, but also with tanks.

During the Great Patriotic War alone, almost 6.5 million shooters and over 1.5 million specialist fighters were trained under general education programs.


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How to Cite

Akmatova, A. (2023). GENERAL MILITARY TRAINING PROGRAM DURING THE GREAT PATRIOTIC WAR ON THE EXAMPLE OF THE OSH REGION OF THE KYRGYZ SSR (historical and legal aspect). Journal of Osh State University. Law, (1(1), 32–47.