kyrgyz, Kokand Khanate, Kurmanjan Datka, Alai, the role of womenAbstract
The Khanate of Kokand went down in history as a despotic state. Over more than a century and a half of its history, it has united a number of states. And the Kyrgyz played a rather active role in his socio-political life. It is phenomenal that at this time, and in these processes, a woman took an active part. The article provides an overview of the life and work of Kurmanzhan Datka, a prominent ruler of the 19th century. The authors, based on historical sources, media publications and scientific research, highlight various aspects of her biography, many of which are still insufficiently researched. The article focuses on Kurmanzhan's childhood and youth, biography, education, the first years of her life, marriage to Alymbek Datka and its influence on her future fate. Her political activities are also examined - management of the Alay Valley, diplomatic relations with neighboring countries, opposition to the Kokand Khanate and the Russian Empire.
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