
  • Baybolot Kaparovich Abytov Osh State University



outstanding personalities of the Kyrgyz, Abdyldabek, Ishak, Kokand Khanate, aristocrat, people, uprising, Russian authorities, Alay expedition


The article describes the relationship between two outstanding personalities of the Kyrgyz people during the Kokon Khanate period. The curiosity of the moment lies in the fact that after the 166-year reign of the Ming dynasty, known as the Khan family, descended from the Genghisids, suddenly, someone who was not the true heir to the throne ascended to the Khan’s throne. Of course, many actually did not know that he was not from the khan’s family, but the son of Moldo Asan. However, they believed those who introduced him and elevated him to the khan’s throne. Thus, the last khan who was fully supported by the people was Polot khan or Ishak Moldo Asan. The second person is Abdyldabek, the son of the famous Alymbek of Denmark - who was a faithful, political associate of Polot Khan. The harsh course of history brought together, in the last year of the existence of the Kokand Khanate, people representing two different classes, ranks and scales. The events of the last year of the Kokand Khanate united these individuals for the benefit of the state and the people, and their convincing and mutual relationships developed. It is also interesting how the son of the famous ruler of Alai, authoritative in the Kokand Khanate, the nobleman Alymbek Datka Abdyldabek, became an associate of Ishak. The latter was a native of the people, the son of a local mullah, a brave, brave man, prone to adventure, who took the throne name of Polot Khan. Another question is also important: did the tandem of the two, Kurmanzhan-Datka, support it? The way the Russian authorities treated them also seems serious. Having studied and analyzed the above, we offer our vision.


ЦГА РУз. -Ф. И. -19. Оп. 1. Д.34947. Л.4-5; Плоских В.М. Вакф медресе Алымбека //Страницы истории и материальной культуры Киргизстана досоветский период). -Фрунзе, 1975.-С.49; Его же. Очерки патриархально-феодальных отношений в Южной Киргизии (50-70 гг. XIX в.). -Фрунзе, 1968.-С.72; Его же. Киргизы и Кокандское ханство. -Фрунзе,1977. -С.198-205.

ЦГА РУз. -Ф. И. -19. Оп. 1. Д.34947. Л. 2-3.

Молдокасымов К. Курманжандын коз жашы. -Бишкек, 1991. 7-б.

Кененсариев Т. Кыргызстандын Оруссияга каратылышы. -Бишкек, 1997. -281-282-бб.

ЦГА КР. Ф.И. 75. Оп.1. Д. 53. Л.21-22; ЦГА РУз. -Ф.715. Оп. 1. Д.66. Л. 225; ООГАПД. -Ф.50. Оп. 1. Д.112. Л.13, 13 обр.

ЦГА КР. Ф.И. 75. Оп. 1. Д.53. Л.1-2.

ЦГА РУз. Ф. 715. Оп.1. Д.67. Л.50; ООГАПД КР. -Ф. 50. Оп. 1. Д.121. -Л. 3-4 обор.

ЦГА РУз. -Ф. 715. Оп.1. Д.67.-Л.301-302, 357, 398; Д.68. -Л.232-240; ООГАПД. -Ф.50. Оп.1. Д.112;Л.1-3,7,86.

Кауфманский сборник, изданный в память 25-летия истекших со дня смерти поко-рителя и устроителя Туркестанского края генерал-адъютанта К.П. фон Кауфмана. -М., 1910. -С. I - III.

Кауфманский сборник... -С.I-IV.

ЦГА КР. Ф.И. 75. Оп.1. Д.52. Л.102-103.

ЦГА РУз. -Ф.715. Оп. 1. Д.67. Л.301-302, 357, 398; ООГАПД. -Ф.50. Оп. 1. Д.112. Л.1-2, 7, 10.

Кененсариев Т.К. Кыргызстандын ... -282 -б.

ЦГА КР. Ф.И. 75. Оп.1. Д.53. Л.21-22. Копия; Кыргызстан - Россия. История взаимо-от¬ношений: Сб. док. и материалов (XVIII-XIX вв.). -Бишкек, 1998. -С.406-407.

ЦГА РУз. -Ф.715. Оп.1. Д.67. Л.357. Д.68. Л.180; ООГАПД. -Ф.50. Оп.1. Д.112. Л.7,12.

ЦГА КР. Ф.И. 75 Оп. 1. Д.53. Л. 34-38,43-47,50,53-54,68-71, 75-81. Копия; ЦГА РУз. -Ф.715. Оп. 1. Д.68. Л.232-240, ООГАПД. -Ф.50. Оп. 1. Д.112. Л.3.; Кыргызстан-Россия… -С.410-421

Кененсариев Т. К. Кыргызстандын... -296, 304-б.

ЦГА КР. Ф.И. 75. Оп. 1. Д.52. Л.33-35.

Кыргызстан-Россия... -С.346.

ЦГА КР. Ф.И. 75. Оп.1. Д.52. Л.101.

Кауфманский сборник ... -С. I. XII.

ЦГА РУз. -Ф.715. Оп. 1. Д.67. Л.4; ООГАПД. -Ф.50. Оп. 1. Д.121. Л.3.



How to Cite

Abytov , B. K. (2024). ISHAK ASAN UULU - POLOT KHAN AND ABDYLDABEK ALYMBEK UULU: AN UNSTANDARD LOOK AT THEIR RELATIONSHIP. Journal of Osh State University. History, (1(4), 106–114.