
  • Baybolot Kaparovich Abytov Osh State University




Kurmanjan-datka, khanate, uprising, Alay expedition, death of Abdyldabek, conquests, Kamchybek case, Osh, court-martial, death penalty, exile, return


The article is devoted to the life of the famous “Alai queen” Kurmanjan-Datka and those Russian generals - military governors of the Fergana region and governors-general of the Turkestan General Government of the Russian Empire. It seems to most that in the life of our famous compatriot, all the details and aspects of her rich biography have been studied. The impression was created that everything is known about her. However, there are still little-studied details in her biography, especially in her personal relationships with Russian generals, senior officials of Russian Turkestan, also the Minister of War of the Russian Empire A.N.Kuropatkin, who once visited Osh and Alai, as part of the “Alai Military -scientific expedition" of the Russian Empire. Her official awards from the rulers of the Russian Empire seem to be very important for us and interesting for our compatriots. It is difficult to imagine her position during the days of the uprising in the Kokand Khanate in 1875-76, where her eldest son Abdyldabek, who later died in a foreign land, took an active part. She took the death penalty of her youngest son Kamchybek hard, but steadfastly, and the deportation of other sons and grandchildren to Siberia. At the end of the 19th century, she fussed, wrote petitions addressed to the holders of the Turkestan Governor-General for assistance in the return of her sons and grandson. Thanks to her personal authority, as a result of much trouble, as well as with the help of a number of general governors, she managed to achieve the release of her children from Siberian exile and return to their native land.


ООГАПД, -Ф. 50. Оп.1. Д. 112. Л.12-13; Ювачев И.П. Курбан-Джан, кара-киргизская царица Алая // Исторический вестник. -1907 г. №12. –С965

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Фотографии и данные русских генералов взяты из личного архива автора и сво¬бод-ной энциклопедии Википедия

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Таубе А.Н. Алайская царица //Закаспийское обозрение.-1892.-№84.

Абытов Б., Кенен¬са¬риев Т., Плоских В.М. Горная ца¬рица ... –Б., 2002. – С.95.

Там же. –С.101

ООГАПД. -Ф.50. Оп.1. Д.112. Л.45-46; Туркестанские ведомости. -1907. -16 фев¬раля. Копия; Алексеев А. Курбанджан-Джан-Датка. –Скобелев, 1907. С. 1-19.

ЦГА РУз. –Ф.И. -1. Оп.4. Д. 513. Л.196.

ЦГА РУЗ. -Ф. И. 19. Оп.1. Д. 7588. Л.30; ООГАПД. -Ф.50. Оп. 1. Д.112. Л. 54-55,56 обр.

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ООГАПД. -Ф.50. Оп. 1. Д.114. Л. 1-3.

Абытов Б.К. Тысячелетняя история Оша: историко-источниковедческий анализ (IX - нач. XX вв.). Диссертация на соискание ученой степени доктора исторических наук. -Бишкек, 2002. –С.352-354; Абытов Б.К., Кененсариев Т.К., Плос¬ких В.М. и др. Горная ца¬рица… – С.98-100.

ЦГА РУЗ. -Ф.И.19. Оп.1.-Д. 3617. Л.47-48,105; ООГАПД.-Ф.50.Оп.1.-Д.112.Л. 21,26.

ЦГА РУЗ. -Ф. И. 19. Оп. 1. -Д. 11061. Л.27. -Д. 13587. Л.3, 21-22. -Д.3617. Л.1-5 ; ООГАПД. -Ф.50. Оп. 1. -Д.112. Л. 2, 14-18, 21, 53.

ЦГА РУЗ. -Ф.И.19. Оп.1. Д.13587. Л.23-24, 34-35; ООГАПД. -Ф.50. Оп.1. Д.112.Л. 21,28.

ЦГА РУЗ. -Ф. И. 19. Оп. 1. Д. 13587. Л. 34-35; ООГАПД. -Ф.50. Оп. 1. Д.112. Л. 2.

ЦГА РУЗ. -Ф. И. 19. Оп. 1. Д. 3617. Л.1-5; Д. 11067. Л.27; Д.13587. Л. 3; ООГАПД. -Ф.50. Оп. 1. Д.112. Л.14-19, 53.

ЦГА РУЗ. - Ф. И. 19. Оп. 1. Д.13587. Л.4; Оп. 4. Д.179. Л.99; ООГАПД. - Ф.50. Оп. 1. Д.112. Л. 80.

ООГАПД. - Ф. 50. Оп. 1. Д. 115-а. - Л.25.

ООГАПД. - Ф. 50. Оп. 1. Д. 34. Л.1; Д.113. -Л.7,10.

ЦГА РУз. - Ф. И. 19. Оп. 1. Д.24150. Л.1; Д.13587. Л.34; ООГАПД. -Ф.50. Оп.1. Д.71. Л.3; Д.112. Л.2,

ЦГА РУз. - Ф. И. 19. Оп. 1. Д. 25044.Л.13, 27; ООГАПД. - Ф. 50. Оп. 1. Д. 33. Л.5,17; Д.42. Л.

ООГАПД. - Ф. 50. Оп. 1. Д. 4. Л. 7.

ЦГА РУЗ. -Ф. И. 1. Оп. 4. Д. 513. Л.196.

Туркестанские ведомости. -1884. -№40.

ЦГА РУЗ. -Ф. И.19. Оп.1. Д. 3617.Л.1-5. Д.11061. Л.27; ООГАПД. -Ф.50. Оп. 1. Д.112. Л. 14-18, 53.

ЦГА РУЗ. - Ф. И. 19. Оп. 1. Д. 3555. Л.2-3; ООГАПД. - Ф.50. Оп. 1. Д.112. Л. 78, 96.

ООГАПД. - Ф. 50. Оп. 1. Д. 112. Л. 6-25, 45.



How to Cite

Abytov , B. K. (2024). KURMANJAN-DATKA AND RUSSIAN GENERALS: ASSESSMENT OF ITS ACTIVITIES AND AWARDS. Journal of Osh State University. History, (1(4), 38–58. https://doi.org/10.52754/1694867X_2024_1(4)_6