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  • Abdimannap Abdykaarov Osh State University
  • Kutmanaly Stamaliev Osh State University
  • Nurgul Mamyrova Osh State University
  • Fatima Matkerimova Osh State University



birds, order, species, anthropogenic factor, urbanization process, bioindicator, living conditions, nature of residence


This study is devoted to the study of the ecological characteristics of passerine birds (Passeriformes) living in the city of Osh, and the impact of urbanization processes on their habitat. As a result of research, 23 species of birds were registered in the winter season, and it was found that the majority of them are birds living in the floodplains of the Ak-Buura River and in the green areas of the city of Osh. According to the nature of their stay, 18 species are sedentary (BW), 3 species are wintering (W) and 2 species are migratory-nesting (B) species (Motacilla personata, Sturnus vulgaris). The reasons for the peculiarity of the presence of birds and Sturnus vulgaris, registered as the dominant nesting species, in the winter season are analyzed, and their connection with climate change is determined. Also, it was found that 4 species (Corvus monedula, Corvus frugilegus, Parus cyanus and Parus flavipectus) which are sedentary (BW) species on the territory of Kyrgyzstan in the city of Osh are found as wintering (W) species, and the differences from the nature of the stay of birds of Issyk- Kul Basin. The lack of registration of the house sparrow (Passer domesticus Linnaeus, 1758) in winter indicates the spread of the Indian sparrow (Passer indicus Jardine et Selby, 1831) as a nesting species within the city of Osh.


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How to Cite

Abdykaarov, A., Stamaliev , K., Mamyrova, N., & Matkerimova, F. (2024). FEATURES OF WINTER POPULATION OF PASSERIFORMES BIRDS IN OSH CITY. Journal of Osh State University. Chemistry. Biology. Geography, (2(5), 1–12.

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