
  • Esra Ersoy Ömeroğlu Ege University, İzmir
  • Aslı Bayer Ege University, İzmir



Bioluminescent Bacteria, Izmir Bay, Climate Change, Biodiversity


Bioluminescent bacterial species that produce bioluminescence, which is a visual feast in nature, are grouped in Vibrio, Photobacterium, Aliivibrio and Shewanella genera, mostly dominant in marine regions. As new bioluminescent species are isolated and identified every day, the mechanism and evolution of bioluminescence, which is still not fully understood, is beginning to be better understood. Because it is believed that the bioluminescence phenomenon may have evolved at least 40 times since its beginning, and therefore the isolation of bioluminescent species from different countries and sources will allow us to understand this evolution process. In this context, it is important because no study has been done on Izmir Bay before. In addition to determining evolutionary relationships, it is very important to identify bioluminescent bacteria, which have many application areas, and to preserve their biodiversity. Because, like all living organisms, the biodiversity of microorganisms and bioluminescent bacteria is “nature's insurance” policy against disasters. Therefore, all biodiversity is in danger as a result of the climate change we are facing as a result of environmental degradation. Therefore, it should be instilled in all generations that the earth can exist without us.


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How to Cite

Ersoy Ömeroğlu, E., & Bayer, A. (2024). IMPACT OF CLIMATE CHANGE ON THE BIODIVERSITY OF BIOLUMINESCENT BACTERIA. Journal of Osh State University. Chemistry. Biology. Geography, (1(4), 171–180.