


plant raw materials, resource characteristics, Kurshab basin, ranunculus, medicinal plants


The article discusses the results of studies of 23 species of the Ranunculaceae family discovered in the Kurshab River basin, which are considered very promising species of practical importance in scientific and folk medicine. In terms of species composition, representatives of 10 genera are found. Among them, the most common are buttercups - Ranunculus L. (7 species) and tall grasses - Delphinium L. (5 species), the remaining species are distributed only in two or three places in the specified region. In terms of life forms, the family Ranunculaceae are superior to perennial herbs (19 species), followed by: - Delphinium Stocksianum Boiss., Ceratocephalus orthoceras D.C., Adonis - Adonis parviflora Fisch. - annual herbs, and poisonous buttercup - Ranunculus sceleratus L. - one- or two-year plants. Medicinal plants from the Ranunculaceae family are found in almost all zones of the study area, but not to the same extent: in the semi-deserts and foothills - 5 species; on short-grass and tall-grass steppes - 5 species; among shrubs and forests – 10 species; in the subalpine meadow - 11 species; 6 plant species were discovered in the alpine meadow. Thus, the distribution zones of most medicinal plants were: tree-shrub and subalpine meadows.


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How to Cite

Dursunbaeva, A., & Karimov, B. (2024). MEDICINAL PLANTS FROM THE RANUNCULACEAE FAMILY FOUND IN THE KURSHAB RIVER BASIN. Journal of Osh State University. Chemistry. Biology. Geography, (1(4), 39–47.