Laboratory parameters of honey and public health impacts of honey adulteration


  • Nurkamal Tursunbekova Employee, TES-Centre, Training and Agricultural Consulting
  • Ernis Bepiev Center for Veterinary Testing and Examination Southern
  • Rakhima Muratova Osh State University



beekeeper, honey, examination, food product, safety, certificate of conformity, consumer


The research article considers laboratory parameters and technical standards pertaining to natural honey that confirm its medicinal properties. They analysis of such parameters is normally performed by beekeepers who export their produce. The honey and bee products intended for export must meet the requirements of international standards and be tested by accredited laboratories. Meanwhile, the products that do not pass the said analysis and are not certified for quality remain in the domestic market. Domestic consumers who buy honey directly from the apiary, in spontaneous markets or retail stalls take beekeepers’ words for truth without requiring any special documents. According to the survey participants, the main criterion for the selection of bee products is the aroma of flowers and the viscosity, which assumingly indicate that honey is natural and has no impurities. At the same time, only a few buyers are concerned about the possible content of antibiotics or other substances foreign to the food product.


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How to Cite

Tursunbekova, N., Bepiev, E., & Muratova, R. (2023). Laboratory parameters of honey and public health impacts of honey adulteration. Journal of Osh State University. Agriculture: Agronomy, Veterinary and Zootechnics, (3(4), 27–34.