Systematization of arachnid pests of honey bees and measures to combat them
bees, spiders, arachnids, apiary, beehives, crosses, side walkers, essential oils, boric acidAbstract
Most of the arachnid species that live among honey bees are pests. It has been established that some types of spiders can serve as carriers of certain types of diseases, harm the health of bee colonies, and unfortunately, very little research has been done in this area by veterinary science, there is no reliable information on the current epizootic state of apiaries, and species of bee pests recorded in them. General information about arachnids as members of the hive biocenosis is fragmented and insufficient. Therefore, even experienced beekeepers find it difficult to give an objective assessment of the harmfulness of spiders that eat honey bees in considerable numbers. Special measures to combat arachnids have not been developed, and the known methods have not been systematized and they have not been given an epidemiological assessment.
This article presents the results of our own epizootological research on the problem of arachnid pests, summarizes the information of foreign scientists in the field of prevention and control of pests of honey bees.
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