Influence of including premixes in compound feed for piglets during growth on their growth intensity


  • Vasily Tolochka Primorsky State Agricultural Academy
  • Bair Garmaev Buryat State Agricultural Academy named after V.R. Filippova
  • Dylgyr Garmaev Buryat State Agricultural Academy named after V.R. Filippova
  • Ilmira Rakhimzhanova Orenburg State Agrarian University



beef cattle breeding, Kalmyk, Aberdeen – Angus, Hereford breeds, gobies, morphometric indicators and carcass coefficients, slaughter qualities


The article presents the results of studying the influence of the genotype of beef bulls on slaughter qualities. The aim of the study was to study the morphometric parameters of the carcass of bulls of specialized meat breeds and the level of meat productivity. During the scientific and economic experiment, bulls of all breeds were kept in the same conditions with a full-fledged, balanced diet for all nutrients. The influence of the genotype of bulls on measurements and carcass coefficients has been established. At the same time, Calmuck bulls were inferior to Aberdeen Anguses and Herefords in all its morphometric indicators. This led to the advantage of the Aberdeen Angus and Hereford bulls over the peers of the Kalmyk breed in terms of the coefficients of fullness of the carcass and hip performance. According to the value of the first indicator (K1), this advantage was 7.0% and 4.7%, the second (K2) – 3.6% and 1.2%. The influence of the genotype of bulls on slaughter qualities was also established. Thus, the young of the Aberdeen-Angus and Hereford breeds surpassed their peers of the Kalmyk breed in pre–slaughter live weight by 32.3 kg (7.25%) and 53.6 kg (12.02%), the mass of the paired carcass – by 27.0 kg (10.66%) and 36.4 kg (14.38%), carcass yield - by 1.8% and 1.2%, slaughter weight – by 30.4 kg (11.64%) and 36.9 kg (14.13%), slaughter yield – by 2.4 and 1.1%.


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How to Cite

Tolochka, V., Garmaev, B., Garmaev, D., & Rakhimzhanova, I. (2023). Influence of including premixes in compound feed for piglets during growth on their growth intensity. Journal of Osh State University. Agriculture: Agronomy, Veterinary and Zootechnics, (1(2), 153–158.

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