The efficiency of using the complex body type index for early prediction of dairy and meat productivity


  • Stepan Batanov Udmurt State Agrarian University
  • Irina Baranova Udmurt State Agrarian University
  • Olga Starostina Udmurt State Agrarian University



heifers, bulls, black-and-white breed, body type, conformation index, live weight, milk production


Identification of the relationship between body type, genotypic and phenotypic characteristics of the animal will allow us to formulate a comprehensive assessment of animals in terms of breeding value and production type, their health and prospects for use. In this regard, an important component of a comprehensive assessment is the determination of the exterior indicators of the animal. This article presents a new approach to assessing the exterior. The essence of the method lies in the fact that under farm conditions, when animals are kept in stalls, exterior parameters are determined by processing images obtained by photographing animals or using the Sensors-3D depth sensor. Based on the obtained measurements of the animal, formulas were developed for calculating body type indices, which make it possible to identify the exterior-constitutional type of the animal. Given the high degree of correlation between conformation parameters and milk productivity, conformation parameters and live weight, the calculated body type indices underlie the forecasting of meat and dairy productivity of cattle.


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How to Cite

Batanov, S., Baranova, I., & Starostina, O. (2023). The efficiency of using the complex body type index for early prediction of dairy and meat productivity. Journal of Osh State University. Agriculture: Agronomy, Veterinary and Zootechnics, (1(2), 98–109.