
  • Hakim Rakhmatov Sogd branch of the institute of animal husbandry and pastures
  • Khurshed Ruziev Tajik agrarian university named after Sh. Shotemur
  • Tuychi Ruziev Tajik agrarian university named after Sh. Shotemur



clinical, physiological, black-and-white breed, pulse, dihania, temperature, summer period, winter period


Clinical and physiological parameters were studied on cows of the Tajik black-and-white breed of the cooperative production "Dehkan farm Bobojon Mahsut" of B. Gafurovsky district of Sughd region. The study was conducted on 36 dairy cows (about 12 heads in each group). The average daily milk yield by groups, in the 1st - 12.2 kg; in the 11th group - 13.2 kg and in the 111th group – 12.2 kg. The animals were kept in an open room under a canopy. The weather was like this in summer: the temperature in the morning was 25.5–28.5; in the afternoon -30.0-32.0 and in the evening - 35.0–37.0 0C, air humidity, respectively 56-59; 57-65 and 50-57%. In the winter period, it was +1.0-1.5 in the morning; + 1.5-1.8 in the afternoon and +1.5-2.00 in the evening, air humidity was 82-86, respectively; *6-88 and 84-86%. The above analysis shows that in the winter period in the morning, afternoon and evening, although the differences are not so great, there is still a difference in clinical indicators between the groups. All clinical indicators increased in summer compared to the winter period. Respiration in summer compared to the winter period, respectively, in groups 10.7; 10.1 and 9.1 times, pulse – 5.2; 2.8 and 3.2 times increases. During the summer period, all clinical indicators increased from morning to evening: respiration in group 1 -8 times, group 11 - 7.2 and 111th groups 4.6 times, pulse, also in groups 1- 4, 11-3.2 and 111th 3.5 times. There is no difference in body temperature between the groups.


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How to Cite

Rakhmatov, H., Ruziev, K., & Ruziev, T. (2024). CLINICAL AND PHYSIOLOGICAL PARAMETERS OF THE BLACK-AND-WHITE BREED IN THE CONDITIONS OF NORTHERN TAJIKISTAN. Journal of Osh State University. Agriculture: Agronomy, Veterinary and Zootechnics, (4(9), 93–97.

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