
  • Vladimir Kosilov Orenburg state agrarian university
  • Dmitry Andrienko Orenburg state agrarian university
  • Elena Nikonova Orenburg state agrarian university
  • Baluash Traisov West Kazakhstan Agrarian and Technical University named after Zhangir Khan
  • Talibjon Irgashev Institute of Livestock and Pastures of the Tajik Academy of Agricultural Sciences
  • Abdugani Abdurasulov Osh State University



biochemical parameters, mineral composition, vitamin A content, blood serum, Stavropol breed, young animals, sheep


The article presents materials on the study of biochemical parameters, mineral composition and vitamin A content in the blood serum of young sheep of the Stavropol sheep breed in the growing conditions of the sharply continental climate of the Southern Urals. The biochemical parameters and mineral composition of the blood of young animals of all groups of sheep of the Stavropol breed changed with age and according to the seasons of the year. The analysis of these indicators indicates that the rams and boulders were characterized by a more intensive synthesis of proteins in the body than the yarrows. The calcium content increased slightly with age in the young animals of the experimental groups, and phosphorus decreased. The intergroup differences were insignificant and unreliable. The maximum vitamin A content was during the summer pasture period, due to the large amount of carotene in the diet, the lowest indicator was observed in the winter stable period.

Thus, our studies have shown that all the studied blood serum parameters of young sheep of the experimental groups, although they differed in sufficiently high lability, in all cases did not exceed the physiological norm, which indicates the normal course of metabolic processes and the clinical health of young animals at all age periods.

The article presents materials on the study of biochemical parameters, mineral composition and vitamin A content in the blood serum of young sheep of the Stavropol sheep breed in the growing conditions of the sharply continental climate of the Southern Urals. The biochemical parameters and mineral composition of the blood of young animals of all groups of sheep of the Stavropol breed changed with age and according to the seasons of the year. The analysis of these indicators indicates that the rams and boulders were characterized by a more intensive synthesis of proteins in the body than the yarrows. The calcium content increased slightly with age in the young animals of the experimental groups, and phosphorus decreased. The intergroup differences were insignificant and unreliable. The maximum vitamin A content was during the summer pasture period, due to the large amount of carotene in the diet, the lowest indicator was observed in the winter stable period.

Thus, our studies have shown that all the studied blood serum parameters of young sheep of the experimental groups, although they differed in sufficiently high lability, in all cases did not exceed the physiological norm, which indicates the normal course of metabolic processes and the clinical health of young animals at all age periods.


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How to Cite

Kosilov , V., Andrienko , D., Nikonova , E., Traisov , B., Irgashev , T., & Abdurasulov , A. (2024). BIOCHEMICAL PARAMETERS AND MINERAL COMPOSITION OF BLOOD SERUM OF YOUNG SHEEP OF STAVROPOL BREED. Journal of Osh State University. Agriculture: Agronomy, Veterinary and Zootechnics, (2(7), 152–160.

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