Kök-Börü, horse, rider, hematologic and biochemical parametersAbstract
In the present study, a research was planned to determine the correlation between hematologic and biochemical parameters of horse and rider in losing teams in Kökbörü, a traditional equestrian team game. For this purpose, blood samples were taken from both horses and riders of 4 different teams participating in two different Kökbörü games before and after the start of the game. Biochemistry and hematological parameters were tested using an autoanalyzer. The data obtained were then statistically analyzed according to the win-loss status between horses, riders and teams. Accordingly, negative and positive correlations were observed in many hematological parameters of the losing teams both before and after the game. In addition, there was a negative correlation between K and CK and TP levels, between AP and ALT, AST and Na levels, between Na and AP and CK levels, between Mg and ALB and CREA levels, between Cl and TP levels of the horse and rider of the losing teams before the game. There was also a negative correlation between AST and Na levels and between Mg and K levels of horse and rider after the game.
In conclusion, in the light of the data obtained, it was determined that there were both positive and negative correlations between most hematological parameters of the horse and rider before and after the game of the losing teams. However, there were negative correlations in biochemical parameters both before and after the game. This was interpreted as a negative effect of horse and rider on each other in losing stemball teams.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Ali Ришванли, Исмаил Шен, Канат Канузаков, Аскарбек Тулобаев, Тас Абузер, Руслан Салыков, Незахат Джейлан, Унал Тюрккапар, Уланбек Алимов, Айдай Джунушова, Арина Казакбаева, Нур Абдимнап Уулу, Бурак Фатих Юксел, Мерт Туранли, Мухаммед Уз, Метин Байрактар, Алпаслан Джейлан

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