
  • Vladimir Kosilov Orenburg state agrarian university
  • Darya Kurokhtina Kazakhstan university of innovation and telecommunication systems
  • Elena Nikonova Orenburg state agrarian university
  • Ilmira Rakhimzhanova Orenburg state agrarian university
  • Olga Bykova South Ural state agrarian university
  • Tatyana Sedykh Bashkir scientific research institute of agriculture
  • Rinat Fatkullin South Ural state agrarian university
  • Abdugani Abdurasulov Osh state university
  • Tolibjon Irgashev Institute of livestock and pastures of the Tajik academy of agricultural sciences



beef cattle breeding, kazakh white-headed breed, gobies, Felucene, economic efficiency


The article presents the results of an economic assessment of the effectiveness of raising purebred Kazakh white-headed bulls for meat. At the same time, the bulls of group I received the main diet, the young of group II were injected with 100 g of Felucene per animal per day in addition to the main diet, group III – 125 g, group IV – 150 g. It was found that the bulls of groups II-IV differed by 1.0-2.6% in the cost of 1 kg of live weight gain than the young of group I, and exceeded them in terms of realizable value by 2.5-3.9%, the amount of profit by 5.9-13.9% and the level of profitability by 1.63-3.79%.


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How to Cite

Kosilov, V., Kurokhtina, D., Nikonova, E., Rakhimzhanova, I., Bykova, O., Sedykh, T., Fatkullin, R., Abdurasulov, A., & Irgashev, T. (2024). THE EFFECTIVENESS OF GROWING KAZAKH WHITE-HEADED BULLS USING FELUCENE. Journal of Osh State University. Agriculture: Agronomy, Veterinary and Zootechnics, (1(6), 257–263.

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