
  • Tanjarbay Allambergenov Karakalpakstan Institute of agriculture and agrotechnologies
  • Dilfuza Madreyimova Karakalpakstan Institute of agriculture and agrotechnologies
  • Bayrambai Zhumashev Karakalpakstan Institute of agriculture and agrotechnologies
  • Gulayxan Djanabaevna Karakalpakstan Institute of agriculture and agrotechnologies
  • Husan Khozhiev Karakalpakstan Institute of agriculture and agrotechnologies



tomato, seeds, germination, germination energy, laboratory experiment, salt tolerance, salt solutions, sodium chloride, sodium sulfate


Growing tomatoes and obtaining high yields is associated with the use of varieties and hybrids that are resistant to stress conditions. Research on diagnosing salt tolerance of 7 varieties and 3 hybrids of tomato using the method of germination in salt solutions of various concentrations was carried out in the Republic of Karakalpakstan. Variants tested: dry seeds (control 1); - seeds soaked in water (control 2); - seeds soaked in solutions: 0.3% NaCl; - 0.5% NaCl; - 0.7% NaCl; - 1.0% NaCl; - 0.3% Na2SO4; - 0.5% Na2SO4; - 0.7% Na2SO4; - 1.0% Na2SO4. The tested tomato varieties and hybrids turned out to be relatively resistant to chloride and sulfate salinity in the lowest concentrations (0.3%). A further increase in the concentrations of saline solutions (from 0.5 to 1.0%) negatively affected the sowing quality of the seeds. The most resistant varieties among the studied varieties and hybrids were Volgogradsky 5/95; TMK-22; Rio Grande and Novichok, hybrids Solerosso F1, Tristar F1 and Sultan F1.


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How to Cite

Allambergenov, T., Madreyimova, D., Zhumashev, B., Djanabaevna, G., & Khozhiev, H. (2023). SALT RESISTANCE OF TOMATO VARIETIES AND HYBRIDS IN THE REPUBLIC OF KARAKALPAKSTAN. Journal of Osh State University. Agriculture: Agronomy, Veterinary and Zootechnics, (4(5), 27–35.

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