culture, traditions, K-POP, dramas, North and South KoreaAbstract
In this article, we wanted to tell you about the importance and contribution of Korea to world culture. All over the world, people are showing more and more interest in South Korea: many, having begun to get involved in the modern culture of this country - K-Pop and dramas, want to learn more about the history and socio-cultural characteristics of Korea. The Republic of Korea is an East Asian country located in the southern half of the Korean Peninsula. One of the most militarized borders in the world runs between North and South Korea. The country is known for its rolling hills, rural landscapes, cherry trees, ancient Buddhist temples, coastal fishing villages, subtropical islands, and bustling high-tech cities like the capital city Seoul. Despite the political and geographic differences between the two Koreas, they both share common cultural traditions. Industrialization and urbanization in Korea, especially in Seoul, have brought about many changes in people's lives. Changes in the economy have led to a concentration of the population in large cities and a decrease in the population outside the cities. Neighboring countries share the same historical roots, the same architectural styles, and similar music and folk dances. Disregarding contemporary differences in the political and economic life of these countries, we can say that Korean culture is a mixture of many Korean traditions and principles of life. Until recently, the Korean culture of the second half of the twentieth century was studied taking into account the cultural achievements of North and South Korea. This was impossible because the two countries with different spirits and traditions and Korea itself with different economic structures and ideologies continued to be divided.
Жапаралиев, Ш. Международные новостные телеканалы России и Турции в глобальной коммуникационной среде / Ш. Жапаралиев // Жаһандану кезеңіндегі заманауи телерадиожурналистиканың даму тенденциялары : Қазақ телевизиясының 65 жылдық мерейтойына арналған халықаралық ғылыми-тәжірибелік конференция жұмысының материалдары, Астана, 14 марта 2023 года. – Астана: Евразийский национальный университет им. Л.Н. Гумилева, 2023. – С. 22-23. – EDN: BYURNU.