
  • Bayachorova Batyigul Jumadylovna Kyrgyz National University named after Jusup Balasagyn
  • Pankov Pavel Sergeevich Kyrgyz National University named after Jusup Balasagyn



mathematical model, language, computer model, relation, independent presentation, learning.


Supra, the authors proposed independent computer interactive presentation of notions (without using other languages). In this method, feedback confirms mastering of the notion.  Such presentation may be “with avatar” or “without avatar”. They developed mathematical and computer models for some verbs, nouns and adjectives, proposed new classification of verbs and new “grammar” for notions. They with coauthors implemented some notions of Kyrgyz and English on computer. In the paper mathematical models for some notions in various sciences are described. It can be used for further development of such computer presentations and learning languages.



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How to Cite

Bayachorova , B., & Pankov , P. (2023). MATHEMATICAL AND COMPUTER MODELS OF SCIENTIFIC NOTIONS . Journal of Osh State University. Mathematics. Physics. Technical Sciences, (1(2), 255–261.