
  • Dinara Zhunusova Osh State University
  • Zhakshylyk Orozmatov Osh State University




Constitutional value, right to life, realization of the right, enforcement of the right, euthanasia, international pact


The article deals with the issues of the degree of protection of human rights and freedoms, which are the most important indicator of the state and level of development of civil society and the state. The practice of functioning of the institute for the protection of human rights, the formation of an effective mechanism for ensuring and protecting the rights and freedoms of man and citizen remains the most urgent problem of legal science and practice. The right to life has been enshrined in many regulatory legal acts of the Kyrgyz Republic, which not only regulate the provision of funds and conditions designed to ensure the direct protection of human life, but also guarantee medical care, a favorable environment, and prohibition of torture, violence, and ill-treatment.


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How to Cite

Zhunusova , D., & Orozmatov , Z. (2023). RIGHT TO LIFE AS A CONSTITUTIONAL VALUE. Journal of Osh State University. Law, (1(2), 109–115. https://doi.org/10.52754/16948661_2023_1(2)_16