
  • Alisher Borotov Fergana State University
  • Gulnoza Karimova Fergana State University



law, society, state, base


The author considers the issue of the legal nature of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan. A dialectical analysis of the concept of "Basic Law" in the current doctrine of constitutional law is carried out, on the basis of which it is concluded that there is no unified approach to the nature of the object under study. In the process of a general theoretical analysis of the system of legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the author identifies a number of criteria by which the concept of the constitution differs from the concepts of "law" and "by-law". Based on the above, the conclusion is made about the imperfection of the theoretical understanding of the legal nature of the constitution in modern Uzbekistan, and an alternative definition of this concept and its place in the system of legislation is also given.


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How to Cite

Borotov, A., & Karimova, G. (2023). CONSTITUTION AND LEGISLATIVE ACT. Journal of Osh State University. Law, (1(2), 1–5.