
  • Zhamilya Arym kyzy Osh State University
  • Asel Mamatova Osh State University
  • Arzykan Sharabin kyzy Osh State University



science, entrepreneurship, legal status, Constitution, economy, public relations, state


This article mainly contains information about the legal status, the origin of entrepreneurial activity. The concept of "legal status" comes from the Latin term "status" (status), which means position, state. The category "legal status" is studied by representatives of various legal sciences in relation to the subject of law. In the theory of law and constitutional law, the legal status is mainly studied in connection with the problems of the rights and freedoms of man and citizen. The legal status of a person and a citizen is defined as a system of rights and obligations, legally fixed by the state in constitutions and other normative legal acts, as legally fixed legal capacity and legal capacity in the sphere of private and public relations. Science also expresses a broader approach to the content of the legal status, in addition to rights and obligations, the elements of the legal status include responsibility, guarantees, legal capacity, principles, citizenship, etc.


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How to Cite

Arym kyzy, Z., Mamatova, A., & Sharabin kyzy, A. (2023). THE RIGHT TO ENGAGE IN ENTREPRENEURIAL ACTIVITY. Journal of Osh State University. Law, (1(1), 13–23.