Journal Policies

Goals of the Journal

  • To expand the scope of professional dialogue for Kyrgyz and international researchers.
  • To show the original results of both theoretical and applied research of the world and domestic scientific community, create an international scientific space by attracting domestic and foreign scientists.
  • To engage high-potential young professionals in research in scientific areas of the Journal.
  • To create a communication medium to expand cooperation of the Kyrgyz and international professional communities.
  • To make available to the audience the world’s leading practices in science.


Objectives of the Journal

  • To provide researchers with an opportunity to publish their research findings.
  • To achieve an international level of scientific publications.
  • To draw attention to the most relevant, promising and outstanding research.
  • To attract reputable authors and high-class professionals from Kyrgyzstan and abroad.
  • To facilitate exchange of ideas among researchers from various regions of Kyrgyzstan and other countries.
  • To enter national and international bibliographic databases.
  • To enhance an impact-factor of the Journal.
  • To promote the Journal in the national and international markets.


Core Principles of Editorial Policies

Any author submitting a paper to the Journal thereby agrees that the paper might be published in the Journal, made publicly available on the Journal’s website, or disclosed (including its references, bibliographic information, etc.) to third parties, where such disclosure is mandatory, or to any other persons to facilitate citations and enhance the citation index of the author and the Journal.

Authors are responsible for the factual information and data included in their papers.

All materials published in the Journal reflect personal views of their authors, which may or may not agree with the views of the Editor’s Office.

The decision to accept or reject the materials is made by the Editorial Board, the final decision is passed by the Editor in Chief.

The Journal offers no author’s fees for publication of papers.

The Editor’s Office may reject any papers that are not duly formatted. Papers may be rejected on the grounds of a negative review or failure by the authors to comply with the applicable legislation on copyright and related rights.

The Editor’s Office holds no debates with authors of rejected papers.

The Editor’s Office reserves the right to abridge or edit any manuscripts submitted.

Manuscripts will not be returned to their authors.

Approval for publication is based on relevance, scientific novelty, credibility and practical significance of papers presented for review.

Reviewers are required by the Editor’s Office to practice confidentiality and objectivity of their reviews and express their opinions in a clear and reasoned manner.

Authors submitting their papers to the Editor’s Office for publication are expected to deliver the following:

  • relevance of research,
  • scientific novelty of research,
  • validity and accuracy of scientific conclusions,
  • practical significance of research,
  • a list of references to the works used by the authors,
  • disclosure of any potential conflict of interest with regard to the findings and conclusions presented in the paper.


Open Access Policy and archiving

The "Journal of Osh State University. History" provides open access to its content on the official website of the journal. This provides greater information access to the journal throughout the global scientific community.

“Open access” means its free availability on the public internet, permitting any users to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of these articles, crawl them for indexing, pass them as data to software, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without financial, legal, or technical barriers other than those inseparable from gaining access to the internet itself”  (by Budapest Open Access Initiative).

The journal’s website also provides the necessary information for authors and readers about the journal’s activities: publication conditions, rules for registration and submission of manuscripts to the journal, the procedure for forming the journal and reviewing manuscripts, publication ethics, information about the editorial board, contact details of the scientific editor and executive secretary.

Readers and authors can freely view and download the electronic versions of the current issue of the journal and archives for previous periods on the journal’s website.

All publications of the journal in electronic form are distributed free of charge and without restrictions under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY-NC 4.0).


Copyright and Licensing

The authors of the "Journal of Osh State University. History" transfer publishing rights to the publisher, licensing it under Commons Attribution License (CC BY-NC 4.0). The copyright holder of the published work is the publisher – Osh State University.

The authorship of the manuscript belongs to those researchers who have been engaged directly within the creation of the manuscript, the formation of the design, the writing of the article, the interpretation of the results and have made a significant contribution to obtaining scientific results.

Under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, the authors hold on the right to their manuscripts, while allowing everyone to freely download, reuse, reprint, change, distribute or copy them, with a mandatory mark of authorship of the paper and a link to a unique publication in this journal. For all these actions, specifying a link to the journal permission of the authors or publisher is not required.    

The authors can distribute the article, with a mandatory link to its original publication in this journal, in other sources (for example, in the institutional archive, social networks, etc.).